The vet already does various labs and a biopsy and all results show no explanation for the hair loss
What could be the reason for my cat hair loss problem?
Your cat is stressed.
Over-grooming is a stress-related disorder, and can be classified as obsessive compulsive behavior. Self grooming is relaxing to the cat, so it seems quite natural that when the cat becomes stressed it attempts to calm itself down by pursuing a relaxing activity such as grooming. Over-grooming may start out as a result of an environmental change (new member to the household, moved house etc.,) but over time this behavior becomes compulsive, even if the original cause of the stress is no longer around.
This behavior may take the form of excessive licking at the fur or pulling out tufts of fur. The most commonly affected areas are the inside of the thighs, and nearby abdomen and groin.
What should I do if my cat has bald patches?
The first thing you should do is take your cat to the veterinarian. It is important to rule out a medical reason causing either the over grooming or the baldness. There are several medical conditions which can also result in bald patches, such as; hyperthyroidism, allergies (food or inhalant allergies), bacterial pyoderma, fleas or flea bite hypersensitivity, mites, Eosinophilic granuloma complex %26amp; feline ringworm.
Your veterinarian may take skin scrapings from the damaged area(s) to rule out skin parasites %26amp; fungal infections, flea comb the coat %26amp; may perform complete blood testing.
How is over-grooming in cats treated?
Your cat may be put on a trial diet to rule out food allergies.
If the cause is an underlying medical condition or parasitic infection, treatment will hopefully result in the behaviour stopping.
Finding the cause of the stress %26amp; eliminating where possible. This may not always be possible, as has been stated above, the behavior may have started in reaction to a stress, however it has become compulsive behavior now, even though the reason for the original stress may have been resolved.
Keep your cat's day as routine as possible. Make sure you feed, play, exercise your cat at the same time daily. Cats like routine.
Provide your cat a rich %26amp; stimulating environment. If you are out for long periods of time you could consider a cat video or a fish tank for your cat's viewing pleasure. When you are home, set aside a play date with your cat every day.
Drug therapy: If it isn't possible to bring the cat's behavior under control by changing the stress %26amp; environment then it may be necessary to try medications such as anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications. The goal is usually to give this medication until the behavior decreases, and then gradually taper off the medication.
If you do see your cat engaging in over-grooming behavior don't punish him/her, rewarding this behavior should also be avoided. Both punishing %26amp; rewarding can quite possibly make the problem worse.
What could be the reason for my cat hair loss problem?
it could be that your cat has a disease or it is shedding badly.i would go to a vet before its to late to know whats wrong with your cat.
What could be the reason for my cat hair loss problem?
well it could be that the old hair are falling off; its almost like a dog that sheds hair; its happening to my cats.
you might want to try brushing the cats fur with a brush it will make the cat feel better
What could be the reason for my cat hair loss problem?
I agree with Daisy love 929. I actually read your whole question and saw where you took you cat to the vet. I sure wish people on here would do the same.
What could be the reason for my cat hair loss problem?
i have a 10 year old indoor cat who seems to have the same issues. her nick name is "weezie" as she is always sneezing and snotty and bald on various places...her entire belly or entire back. she has been to the vets to many times and each time they give me a steroid run and a different test. we have tried every type of hypo allergenic and natural foods, even vitamin supplements, different litter and same thing..., no change. i even use laundry soap free of additives and no one here wears perfumes because that sets her off on a sneezing frenzy!
she does better if i bath her every month and brush her really good every couple days... vacuum the house a lot. (that's for my benefit). we dont pet her, we pat her as the hair just flies out.
as a matter of fact she has an appointment tomorrow, she is really stuffed up and i pulled literally full handfuls of fur (root and all) out of her back this weekend while i groomed her.
she has no stress, no parasites, good care and food ...its frustrating. we have her brother problems ever.
good luck!
What could be the reason for my cat hair loss problem?
My cat has this problem. dasiy love is correct. My fur baby is actually his daddy's kitty. Dad left a little over a month ago for deployment. Its his "relax" mechanism.
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