Thursday, October 8, 2009

My hair needs help?

I have dirty blonde hair with blonde highlights, i'm thinking about dying it a dark brunette (i'll give you a picture so you can tell me if that's a good idea or not)

----%26gt; http://daughteroftrinaandcurtis.spaces.l... %26lt;-----

That'll show you a picture of me, please if you can edit or anything to my messanger profile, please don't.

Anyhow. I have a really hard time parting my hair to a side where it'll stay in place, my hair does not cooperate with me at all. As you can see, my hair usually covers my entire left eye. What are some techniques i can use to part my hair nicely?

My hair needs help?

i think you should keep it blonde

My hair needs help?

sweetheart your hair is just fine the way it is. the only thing I would change about you is your last name lol.

My hair needs help?

don't dye it.

blonde is pretty and its hard to get it back to normal with a drastic change like that....

also, when parting your hair.......try getting a shower at night every nite for a week or so instead of the morning and pin your hair (with clips, bobby pins, etc) the way you want it to be parted...this will "train" you hair to do what you want it to

My hair needs help?


its very unattractive

do a poof... it will cooperate

dont dye ur hair... ur just killing it.

My hair needs help?

I think you look cute blonde.

Try parting your hair when it is wet and use a little Barrett to hold it to the side until your hair is use to stay that way. Here is something you might like :)

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