Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hair loss during pregnancy?

My hair is thin and it of shows bald parts which i think is embarrasing...How can I prevent that?

Hair loss during pregnancy?

Cut your hair during pregnancy.

Hair loss during pregnancy?

Wear a hat. Hair-loss during pregnancy is normal.

Hair loss during pregnancy?

im not sure

Hair loss during pregnancy?

Are you taking your pre-natul vitamins. that should prevent it.

Hair loss during pregnancy?

It could be a sign of a vitamin deficiency. Are you taking your prenatal vitamins? Some hair loss is normal during pregnancy. If it is a serious problem, you should talk to your doctor.

Hair loss during pregnancy?

Hmmm. Didn't have this during pregnancey but immediately after. It's probably a hormone thing. Make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins as directed, and ask your ob/gyn and hairstylist both about it. You will get two different expert opinions that way and possibly more than one recommendation for course of treatment.

I definitely would NOT do anything like coloring, bleaching, perming hair if it is this fragile as that would exascerbate the problem.

Hair loss during pregnancy?

Keep taking your prenatal vitamins and if you are not on any. GET ON SOME ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!

Hair loss during pregnancy?

Hair loss during pregnacy does occur, but be sure to mention it to your O.B. give them a call.

Hair loss during pregnancy?

take your vitamins.

make sure you don't dye your hair..

and if it really bothers you, you could always try getting hair extensions; a wig; or even a weave until you have the baby.

if your looking for something cheaper a hat will always work!

good luck %26lt;3

Hair loss during pregnancy?

I am not a hundred percent on it but to my knowledge hair loos during pregnancy isn't normal. Your hair is supposed to grow quicker when you are pregnant due to the increase in hormones.

You should also like someone else said be taking your prenatal vitamins. But I would also mention this to your doctor to make sure. Good luck with the up and coming Lil one. ;-)

Hair loss during pregnancy?

my wife just had our fourth baby and she said that her hair is thinning out too! I am hoping that somebody answers you saying it will grow back.

the person that suggested an abortion deserves an open handed slap in the mouth.

Hair loss during pregnancy?

I have never heard of hair loss during pregnancy. I hardly lost any....but after baby was born....look out. I lost a ton......after 6 months it's finally getting better. Just take your may want to talk to your Dr if it get worse.

Hair loss during pregnancy?

I never had this problem but a few friends had. They said not much seemed to help except taking some very good prego vitamins and maybe ask your nearest health food store about your problem. If nothing works than hopefully theres light in knowing that my friends hair grew back soon after the child was born. Good luck! (AND ABORTION???? WHAT EVER WOULD HAVE MADE YOU ANSWER SUCH A THING? HOW RUDE! JUST TO GET POINTS I GUESS.)

Hair loss during pregnancy?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

Vitamins for Hair Loss

Hair loss during pregnancy?

Massage aloe Vera gel over the scalp,leave it for about one hour.After this rinse the hair with warm water.It gives excellent results for hair loss if one uses this massage at least 3-4 times a week. Check out for more info.

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